Cost Estimator

This is your approximate cost of licensing this musical. Final royalty and rental fees will be given to you once you apply for a license. This does not include any costs like shipping, extra requests, or destruction fees.

2 Performances:

#Seats Ticket Price
400 $1150 $1750 $2350 $2950 $3550
300 $1000 $1450 $1900 $2350 $2800
200 $850 $1150 $1445 $1750 $2050
100 $720 $850 $1000 $1150 $1300
$5 $10 $15 $20 $25

3 Performances:

#Seats Ticket Price
400 $1450 $2350 $3250 $4150 $5050
300 $1225 $1900 $2575 $3250 $3925
200 $1000 $1450 $1900 $2350 $2800
100 $775 $1000 $1225 $1450 $1675
$5 $10 $15 $20 $25

4 Performances:

#Seats Ticket Price
400 $1750 $2950 $4150 $5350 $6550
300 $1450 $2350 $3250 $4150 $5050
200 $1150 $1750 $2350 $2950 $3550
100 $850 $1150 $1450 $1750 $2050
$5 $10 $15 $20 $25

5 Performances:

#Seats Ticket Price
400 $2050 $3550 $5050 $6550 $8050
300 $1675 $2800 $3925 $5050 $6175
200 $1300 $2050 $2800 $3550 $4300
100 $925 $1300 $1675 $2050 $2425
$5 $10 $15 $20 $25

6 Performances:

#Seats Ticket Price
400 $2350 $4150 $5950 $7750 $9550
300 $1900 $3250 $4600 $5950 $7300
200 $1450 $2350 $3250 $4150 $5050
100 $1000 $1450 $1900 $2350 $2800
$5 $10 $15 $20 $25

7 Performances:

#Seats Ticket Price
400 $2650 $4750 $6850 $8950 $11050
300 $2125 $3700 $5275 $6850 $8425
200 $1600 $2650 $3700 $4750 $5800
100 $1075 $1600 $2125 $2650 $3175
$5 $10 $15 $20 $25

8 Performances:

#Seats Ticket Price
400 $2950 $5350 $7750 $10150 $12550
300 $2350 $4150 $5950 $7750 $9550
200 $1750 $2950 $4150 $5350 $6550
100 $1150 $1750 $2350 $2950 $3550
$5 $10 $15 $20 $25

9 Performances:

#Seats Ticket Price
400 $3250 $5950 $8650 $11350 $14050
300 $2575 $4600 $6625 $8650 $10675
200 $1900 $3250 $4600 $5950 $7300
100 $1225 $1900 $2575 $3250 $3925
$5 $10 $15 $20 $25

10 Performances:

#Seats Ticket Price
400 $3550 $6550 $9550 $12550 $15550
300 $2800 $5050 $7300 $9550 $11800
200 $2050 $3550 $5050 $6550 $8050
100 $1300 $2050 $2800 $3550 $4300
$5 $10 $15 $20 $25